Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm mean

I'm gonna take some time to spout off some Pro-Choice things I thought were funny.

"May the fetus you save be a black gay wiccan democrat."

"Pro-Life? Spend the time you normally would spend protesting helping starving children in Africa."

"If you cut off my reproductive choice, may I cut off yours?"

"What happeneds in my vagina is my business."

"Save the wire hangers, keep abortion safe and legal."

"If you can't trust me with a choice how can you trust me with a child?"

"Want abortion outlawed? How many unwanted children will you adopt?"

"Every fetus will have a life. Hitler's did too."

"77% of anti-abortionists are men. 100% of them will never be pregnant."

"McCain Palin - Bringing a wire coat hanger back to an alley near you."

"Your church. My uteris. Got it?"

"Your politics have no place in my uteris."

So leave me alone, I don't care :D Pro-life hypocrites that will never adopt can go suck my non existant dick.

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