Monday, September 15, 2008

A lot of loose ends

Not much to say yet, but let me establish a few things.

  • I'm a vegetarian
  • I'm not "straight edge" per say, but I still strongly disagree with smoking and drinking.
  • Art is my life, and I'm turning into a big musical theatre kid.
  • If I think a person doesn't deem me worth their time, I won't waste mine with them.
  • I really value my friendships.
  • Go ahead and be a ho, fuck with guys you don't know, and don't know who your baby dady is fo'sho. I make sure I'm in relationships when that happens.

On a lighter note, my current long term relationship still gives me butterflies in my tummy every time I see him, he becomes even more handsome every day, and he is way smarter than I am. Perfect match <3

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